IT Helpdesk
Any issue with your device? Here are the steps to resolve it.
I see a blue screen, what should I do?
A blue screen means that you should: reboot wait 3 minutes try again
My PC's fan makes a strange noise...
If you fan make a loud noise or is constantly on, please return your product for exchange. Ask an RMA over here.
Troubleshooting Wi-Fi Issues
Are you having trouble connecting to the Wi-Fi network? Here are some steps you can try: Check if Wi-Fi is enabled on your device. Make sure you are entering the correct network name and password. Restart your device and the router. Forget the network and reconnect. If the issue persists, c...
Why can't I open a PDF
1. Can't open PDF in your browser Most modern web browsers can easily open PDFs. If you’re having trouble opening a specific PDF on a web page, do the following. DOWNLOAD THE PDF AND OPEN IT IN ADOBE ACROBAT OR ACROBAT READER Right-click (Windows) or command-click (macOS) the link to the PDF file...
Account Activation For MFA/Duo
Multi-Factor Authentication PDF.pdfScan the QR code or click the link to get a step by step walkthrough of activating your OPSU account
OPSU Cisco Duo Device Reset
This FAQ addresses common questions regarding resetting your CISCO Duo device for OPSU.Q: My phone number has changed, or I'm having issues with my Duo device. How do I reset it?A: There are two primary ways to address Duo device reset needs:Submit a Helpdesk Ticket: The most efficient way to ini...
Internet Connection
Troubleshooting Wi-Fi Issues
Are you having trouble connecting to the Wi-Fi network? Here are some steps you can try: Check if Wi-Fi is enabled on your device. Make sure you are entering the correct network name and password. Restart your device and the router. Forget the network and reconnect. If the issue persists, c...
How to connect to OPSU Campus WiFi
OPSU Campus WiFi Connection Knowledge Base This document provides instructions on how to connect to the OPSU campus WiFi networks, "OPSU Employee WiFi" and "OPSU Student WiFi," using your Aggie Access/OPSU email account.Available Networks: OPSU Employee WiFi: For faculty and staff. OPSU Stud...
OPSU Cisco Duo Device Reset
This FAQ addresses common questions regarding resetting your CISCO Duo device for OPSU.Q: My phone number has changed, or I'm having issues with my Duo device. How do I reset it?A: There are two primary ways to address Duo device reset needs:Submit a Helpdesk Ticket: The most efficient way to ini...
OPSU UniFlow Online Printing
This is a step by step guide for our new online printing service.